
Every single piece of feedback we get from sharing our story is meaningful to us. It reminds us why we do this and why we've got to keep doing it. Please spread the word of Swimming With Sharks. You never know who needs to hear it.


“Today I sat in your presentation and sobbed as I related to your story. It’s important for me that you know what a difference your presentation has made to me.

To know that I’m not alone in those deepest darkest thoughts of taking my own life, to know that when my 7yo child attacks me & says he hates his life, that maybe it’s not because I’m a failure. That maybe I do down play the severity of my son’s diagnosis & accepting help is ok to do. I don’t have family at all. My friend base is limited. My son’s dad has passed away. It’s probably the only reason I’m here with life to type this message to you now.

Because of your raw & real presentation, I now know that I’m not alone in my suffering & I’m not just a shitty mother trying to keep it together.

With all my heart, I thank you.

You may well have just saved the life of a mother to 3 beautiful children.”

“Thank you Clara. It means so much to us that you share your story with the students who are with us on placement. Yesterday the WACRH speech and physio students as well as some of our staff heard your story. For those students entering the workforce you have just changed the way they will think about their practice. You encouraged them to think much more broadly than just the communication issue or the physical injury, but to look beyond and care for the the whole family. You also give them courage to be brave and speak up in systems where individuals and families are made to fit a service, not the other way around! It is also wonderful that most of the students have met Sam. Thank you!”

“Thank you so much Clara Harris, You have been sharing your family's amazing story with us for the last ten years and what an incredible journey that has been. We have loved all the presentations with your sister, your Mum, your Dad and your friends there at different times to support you. So many teachers and EAs throughout the Midwest and Murchison have learned more about Autism from "Swimming With Sharks".

We have also learned what it means to live with, to love and to be an ambassador for a family member who has Autism. You are an inspiration and we thank you for the beautiful gifts that you share so openly and so honestly.”

“This was an amazing presentation. I too would thoroughly recommend this to anyone, regardless of whether you have a personal or professional link to anyone living with a disability. The knowledge and experience that Clara Harris shares can be applied any general interpersonal communication - especially communication with children. Clara, I will try very hard replace "don't drop that xxx" with "hold on to that xxx" when I speak to my grandchildren.”

“Thank you for sharing your story of Autism, love, struggle and persistence.

I’m so grateful to you for telling an honest and raw story about the realities of raising a disabled child and young adult.

As a parent of a child with ASD, I really identified with your heartache and fear, but most of all I identified with your gritty determination to achieve the best for your child.

It’s so important that as parents in the ASD community we share our struggles and our triumphs, that we learn from each other and comfort each other. Swimming with Sharks achieves this on so many levels and I would love to see it shared around the world. The love that you, Damo, Sophie and Sam share shines brighter than all the stars in the sky!”

“The whole presentation was outstanding, heart wrenching and inspirational all at the same time. This has inspired me in my own life to accept certain things life can throw our way.

You, your family, and Sam have been through so much and thank you very much for sharing your experience - it is appreciated more than you know.”